- 100 % natural products
- Maintenance of Tridosha (three body energies).
- Formulated by MD Ayurveda doctors
- Supports healthy kidneys
- 100 % vegetarian formulations.
- Free from chemicals, preservatives, starch, additives, colors, yeast, binders, fillers
- All herbs have distinct explanation in ancient Ayurvedic literature
It is an herbal powder blend which is very helpful in maintaining healthy kidneys. It is an herbal supplement which is especially suited for people to maintain a healthy urinary system.
It is a great herbal combination that is given as an adjunct with mutrakrichantak churna along with other health supplements for supporting kidney health. It is a natural supplement that helps maintain a healthy urinary system in a natural way.
Gokshuradi Guggul is a classical preparation which is a combination of potent herbs that help in maintaining kidney's health. Gokshuradi guggul is having gokshura and guggul with some other potent ingredients like trikatu, triphala, mustak etc. All of these ingredients help in reviving the kidneys health and also help in maintaining their health. Kidney infections are quite common these days and they degrade kidney condition as well. But with this formulation the endotoxin accumulation inside the kidneys is reduced and chances of shotha also decreases. Moreover, it is a herbal supplement with no side effects.
Punarnava capsules are made using pure and standardized extract of Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa). It helps to maintain healthy functioning of kidneys. It helps to maintain healthy urea and creatinine level in the body. It supports healthy urinary system. It help to maintain healthy hemoglobin level too.
These capsules are prepared using the standardized extract derived from the Bhumiamla (Phyllanthus niruri). It has potential benefits in chronic kidney disease (CKD) as it provides nephron protective effects, helps in reducing inflammation, and possesses antioxidant properties that may help protect kidney function.
Saralghan Vati is prepared using saral alone. Saral is chir pine which is commonly found in the Himalayas and is also called long needle pine. As the saral helps in supporting our body in many conditions slowly it begins to gain popularity for its properties. The saralghan vati is an Ayurvedic supplement that is known to maintain kidney health as well. It helps the body to expel out the ama dosha present inside. The supplement is prepared under the guidance of experts.
Planet Ayurveda's Nephralka capsules are prepared using a special combination of pure extracts of herbs such as Bhumi amla (Phyllanthus niruri), Mooli stava (Raphanus sativus) Revandchini (Rheum emodi), Kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata) and Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa). All these herbs are mentioned in Ayurveda and used since ancient times. The product is an excellent one to keep the water content healthy in the body. It helps to maintain healthy kidney functions.
Chandanasav is also a classical preparation which is prepared with the method of natural fermentation. The formulation is in liquid form and helps in the pacification of pitta dosha really well due to its cold potency. The preparation is helpful in supporting and maintaining the health of entire secretory system. It helps in reducing the accumulation of endotoxins in the body by expelling them out through the urinary route. Chandanasav is a great liquid supplement that supports the health of the urinary system especially kidneys. As it is a liquid preparation its absorption is done at a faster rate after ingestion.
- Mutrakrichhantak Churna - 1 Teaspoonful twice daily with warm water and for best result Boil 1 Teaspoonful in 400ml water until it remains 50-60ml. Filter the preparation with a regular tea strainer and drink. You should use this once in morning 45min. after breakfast and similarly in evening 45min. after dinner. Prepare fresh every time as per this.
- Rencure Formula - 1 Capsule twice daily with warm water after meals.
- Gokshuradi Guggul - 2 Tablets thrice daily with warm water after meals.
- Punarnava Capsules - 2 Capsule, twice daily with warm water after meals.
- Phyllanthus Niruri - 1 Capsule twice daily with warm water after meals.
- Saralghan Vati - 2 Tablets thrice daily with warm water after meals.
- Nephralka Capsules - 1 Capsule twice daily with warm water after meals.
- Chandanasav - 2 Tsp. twice daily with an equal amount of warm water.