Rs. 3,880.00 Rs. 3,420.00
S.No. Products Quantity
1 Female Health Support 1 Bottle (60 Capsules)
2 Femo Plan Syrup 3 Bottles (200ml Each)
3 Aloe Vitals Capsules 1 Bottle (60 Capsules)
4 Brahmi Vati 1 Bottle (120 Tablets)
World Wide
No Side
Formulated by
MD-Ayurveda Experts


  • 100 % natural products
  • Maintains health in females
  • Formulated by MD Ayurveda doctor
  • 100 % vegetarian formulations.
  • Free from chemicals, preservatives, starch, additives, colours, yeast, binders, fillers

Females are differentiated from man because of the presence of many factors but the most important factor is the presence of the uterus. Uterus is important not only to give birth but also for the normal or healthy  functioning of a female body. A uterus inside a female body is responsible for maintaining many types of functions, especially for maintaining the hormones. Hormones are responsible for many metabolisms taking place inside the body of a woman. That is why the care of the uterus is really important. The following products for supporting Uterus health and also for its care are totally herbal and have effective results. The following products can also be used in perimenopausal and menopausal females.

Products Description


Female Health Support is a patent formulation by Planet Ayurveda which is having very impressive ingredients. The formulation has constituents like shatavari (Asparagus racemosus), Lodhra (Symplocos racemosa) and Ashoka (Saraca indica). All of these ingredients have a very impressive role in keeping the uterus walls clean and also help in managing the hormonal balance in the body. Female health support as the name suggests is manufactured from the angle of taking care or supporting all over female health. It has various benefits and is completely free from any type of additives, dyes, fillers, adulterants etc. It also help with the symptoms of menopause.


Femo Plan Syrup is one more patent formulation by Planet Ayurveda which is prepared in liquid form. The syrup has ingredients like shatavari (Asparagus racemosus), Lodhra (Symplocos racemosa), Ashoka (Saraca indica), brahmi (Bacopa monnieri), Patha (Cissampelos pareira) and many others. These all show really impressive results and have great impact in strengthening the uterine muscles. It also helps in various types of  female disorders or gynaecological disorders. Femo plan helps in the pacification of excessive pitta and vata dosha hence helping a lot in peri menopausal stage. It's a syrup which is prepared exclusively for the betterment of the female reproductive system.


Aloe Vitals is also a patent formulation of Planet Ayurveda which has Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis). Aloe vera is having impressive effects in maintaining the balance of hormones inside the body thus maintaining the health of the uterus as well. The aloe vitals are prepared from the standardised extract of aloe vera and have no side effects. The capsules also help in the cleansing of the uterus and also pacifies vata dosha. Aloe vitals help in balancing low levels of estrogen usually associated with menopause. It also helps in opening up the blocked channels and has an impact on digestion as well and hence reduces the accumulation of endotoxins.


Brahmi Vati is a classical preparation which has an impressive impact in the anulomana of vata dosha. The formulation has ingredients like Brahmi (Bacopa Monnieri), Shankhapushpi (Convolvulus Pluricaulis), Vacha (Acorus calamus), Black Pepper (Piper Nigrum) and many others.  Excess of Vata dosha is responsible for hormonal disturbances in the female body. This results in an imbalance of pitta and kapha dosha as well, thus resulting in pathologies like uterine fibroids, polyps and many other gynaecological conditions. Brahmi supports healthy hypothalamus and pituitary functioning due to its Vata dosha pacification property. One Vata dosha is balanced; there are many other metabolic disturbances which happen to fall in line like peri menopausal and menopausal symptoms. That’s the importance of brahmi in uterus support pack.


  1. Female Health Support - 1 capsule twice daily after meals.
  2. Femo Plan Syrup - 2 tsp. twice daily after meals.
  3. Aloe Vitals Capsules - 1 capsule twice daily after meals.
  4. Brahmi Vati - 2 tablets twice daily after meals.

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