Rs. 4,244.00 Rs. 3,750.00
S.No. Products Quantity
1 Brahmi Capsules 1 Bottle (120 Tablets)
2 Brahmi Ghrit 3 Bottles (100gm Each)
3 Angel Eye Vitale 1 Bottle (60 Capsules)
4 Optidew (Herbal Eye Drops) 1 Bottle (10 ml)
World Wide
No Side
Formulated by
MD-Ayurveda Experts


  • Helps in maintaining healthy eyes
  • Supports normal eye sight
  • Reduces aggravated vata dosha
  • Products are 100% natural
  • These are Formulated by expert MD Ayurveda doctors
  • Formulations are 100% vegetarian
  • Free from chemicals, preservatives, starch, additives, colours, yeast, binders, fillers
  • All herbs present in the formulations have a distinct explanation in ancient Ayurvedic literature.


This pack is a combination of four herbal formulations that gives fantastic effect in case of eye flickering. Eye flickering is excessive twitching of eyes, whose reasons are not known. In Ayurveda, any involuntary activity is the result of vata aggravation. The condition can also originate in the motor nerves of the brain and the motor including sensory system is all controlled by vata dosha. Ayurveda suggests that mostly such conditions can be the result of stress, excessive eye straining, eating dry food articles and many others thus creating a situation adequate for vata dosha aggravation and thus eye flickering or twitching starts. The products in this pack are very effective in pacification of vata dosha and if the situation originates from the motor system even then this formulation gives very great results as mentioned earlier motor and sensory systems are controlled by vata dosha.



Brahmi Capsules are prepared using the standardised extract of brahmi herb. It is a very effective product and does wonders in enhancing the working of nervous system. It works on both the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system. Brahmi has certain constituents that help the body in various ways. As it has its impact on the nervous system, it has its effect on the entire human body indirectly. The herb is kept under the category of medhya rasayan in ayurveda. Moreover, it is helpful in many conditions related to bowel also like irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease and many others. It works by reducing stress and stress hormones in the body.


Brahmi Ghrit is having ingredients like brahmi (Bacopa monnieri), bach (Acorus calamus), kuth (Saussurea pluricaulis) and shankhpushpi (Convolvulus Pluricaulis). Brahmi ghrit is a classical preparation prepared with ancient ayurvedic principles. The formula helps in enhancing and improving the intelligence, learning skills and all other brain functions. The ghrit acts as an rasayan, enhances the memory, anti stress properties, antioxidant properties and also helps with convulsions. The formulation has adaptogenic properties and is also really effective in many neurological and psychological conditions. The ghrit is very helpful in relieving mental stress and mental fatigue. This helps in keeping you calm and think straight. 


Angel Eye Vitale is a very great formulation with three herbs that are amla (Emblica officinalis), gotukola (Centella asiatica) and bhringraj (Eclipta alba). These herbs are really helpful in enhancing the overall health of the eye and its muscles as well. In some cases, the eye flickering is the result of an increase in glasses of eyewears. In such cases, people suffer from various signs including the eye flickering and hence also angel eye vitale helps a lot here too. They help by providing strength to the ocular muscles, nourishes eyes deep and thus pacifies vata dosha too.


Optidew Eye Drops have standardised extract of triphala along with some other herbs along with some cooling agents like kapoor and rakta chandana. The formulation also has extract of saindhava lavana, neem patra etc. as well which help in balancing doshas and also help in resolving many conditions related to eyes. Palash paapada is a really effective ingredient included in this formulation which helps in expelling out toxins from the eyes. These help by providing strength to the ocular muscles as well. The eye drops are really good and are really effective. Moreover, these are prepared from the standardised extract of herbs and are totally natural.


  1. Brahmi Capsules - 1 capsule twice daily after meals with lukewarm water.
  2. Brahmi Ghrit - 1 tsp twice daily with warm milk after meals.
  3. Angel Eye Vitale - 1 capsule twice daily after meals with lukewarm water.
  4. Optidew Eye Drops - 2 drops in each eye twice daily.

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