Rs. 4,600.00 Rs. 3,680.00
S.No. Products Quantity
1 Shilajit Capsules 1 Bottle (60 Capsules)
2 Brahmi Chyawanprash 1 Pack (500gm)
3 Memory Support 1 Bottle (60 Capsules)
4 Neuro Plan Syrup 3 Bottles (200ml Each)
5 Drakshasav 2 Bottles (450ml Each)
World Wide
No Side
Formulated by
MD-Ayurveda Experts


  • 100 % natural products
  • Formulated by MD Ayurveda doctors
  • Supports Healthy Brain
  • 100 % vegetarian formulations
  • Free from chemicals, preservatives, starch, additives, colors, yeast, binders, fillers
  • All herbs have distinct explanation in ancient Ayurvedic literature

Products Description

1. Shilajit Capsules

Shilajit is a rock extract, also known as rock sweat which is brownish black hard paste like substance. It is found predominantly in the Himalayan region bordering India, China, and Asia.

Shilajit, a food supplement maintains healthy urinary and male reproductive system. Planet Ayurveda's Shilajit Capsules contain pure extract of Shilajit. Shilajit contains minerals in ionic form, vitamins, fulvic acid and phytonutrients which help to maintain healthy body metabolism.

2. Brahmi Chyawanprash

This is a blend of wonderful ingredients like amla along with other 48. Brahmi, one of the ingredient in it helps to maintain healthy nervous system and helps to support vitiated mansik doshas.

It supports the need of nutrition and energy of nervous cells.

Use regularly for better results.

3. Memory Support

Memory Support capsules are packed with pure extracts of – Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri), Vacha (Acorus calamus), shankhpushpi (Convolvulus pluricaulis) and yastimadhu (Glycerrhiza glabra).

Vacha is called as sweet flag which is very common plant in gardens.

Shankhpushpi is beautiful flowered plant used widely in India.

Yastimadhu is also known as muhlethi in Hindi and licorice in English. It is used by most of the Indian people in kitchen to maintain healthy body.

4. Neuro Plan Syrup

Neuro Plan Syrup is prepared using various herbs which includes the four herbs included in medhya rasayan along with others. Medhya rasayan is a group of four herbs which are known to enhance the functioning of the brain or nervous system. Thus eliminating any neural abnormality going on. Ayurveda understands the neural system in two forms. One is in the form of hardware and the other in the form of software. This means that the neuro plan works on both brain (hardware) and mind (software). Neuro plan syrup targets healthy neural transmission. This formulation is a kind of boon for the whole nervous system and for brain health too.It improves energy in daytime and sleep at night time. This formulation is a kind of boon for the whole nervous system and for brain health too.It improves energy in daytime and sleep at night time.

5. Drakshasav

Drakshasav is a liquid preparation which is prepared by the process of natural fermentation. This contains self generated alcohol which does not have any type of harmful effect on the body. Instead it enhances the effect of asav. Due to its liquid consistency its absorption is easy and much quicker than other forms of consistency. Maximum of its content has an impact on digestion thus it has a great role in improving digestion and gives really good results in vata dosha anulomana. This preparation is really good and is totally safe to use. It does not contain any type of additives or adulterants.   


  1. Shilajit Capsules - 1 capsule two times in a day after meals with warm water.
  2. Brahmi Chyawanprash - 1-2 tablespoon two times in a day after meals with warm water.
  3. Memory Support - 1 capsule two times in a day after meals with warm water.
  4. Neuro Plan Syrup - 2 tsp. two times in a day after meals.
  5. Drakshasav - 2 tsp. two times in a day after meals with equal amounts of warm water.

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