Vitality Tablets
Loss of vitality of the organism is characterized by deterioration and diminution in the quality and tone of the vital forces. It is one of the chief predisposing causes of disease and is of itself a condition characterized by all the elements of ill health. The principal causes of loss of vitality are improper nourishment, impure air, excessive bodily and mental exercise, long exposure to intense heat or cold, intemperance, depressing states of the mind and a prostrative disease.
Acidum nitricum 6x, Acidum phosphoricum 3x, Calcarea iodata 3x, Ferrum iodatum 8x.
Helps relieve symptoms of palpitation, general weariness, Vertigo and tired limbs. Helps retain the lost vigour and vitality of drained out, exhausted and enfeebled individuals.
Take 2 tablets, 2-3 times a day. Maintenance dose: 1 tablet twice a day for 12-16 weeks. Or as directed by the physician.
Side effects
No known side effects
Action of Ingredients
- Acidum nitricum - Heart palpitions produced by slightest efforts. Exhaustion caused by frequent nocturnal perspiration, skin becomes cold early morning, shivers when going to bed.
- Acidum phosphoricum - Heaviness and numbness of the limbs. Indicated when the system has been exposed to the ravages of acute disease, sexual excesses, grief, loss of vital fluids. Vertigo, as if floating in the air, while lying on the bed with ringing in the ears and glassy eyes. Vertigo towards evening, when standing or walking.
- Calcarea iodatum - Increases viscosity of the blood. Acts on Thyroid together with Ferrum iod. Numbness and ringing in ears. Giddy headache.
- Ferrum iodatum - Irregular blood circulation, face usually pale but red after slightest excitement. Stomach disturbences. Nose bleed, headaches, feeling of weariness, pulse full lax.
- Advice - This preparation may be administered in addition to all other complexes in chronic diseases.
Other useful remedies are Bakson Alfamalt & Alfalfa Tonic.
The information provided herein on request, is not to be taken as a replacement for medical advice or diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition. DO NOT SELF MEDICATE. PLEASE CONSULT YOUR PHYSICIAN FOR PROPER DIAGNOSIS AND PRESCRIPTION.