- Sita
- Ghrita
- Madhu
- Haritaki
- Amalaki
- Vibhitaki
- Sunthi
- Maricha
- Pippali
- Ela
- Twak
- Patra
- Kesara
- Saindhava
- Yavani
- Karavi
- Madhurika
- Vidamga
- Vahni
- Bharngi
- Kushtha
- Dhanyaka
- Kharala
- Jatipathri
- Jatiphala
- Chavya
- Magadhisipha
- Trvrit
- Thuramgagandhika
- Madhusnuhi
- Gulgulu
- Gandhaka
Chronic Skin Diseases Including Eczema, Atopic Dermatitis, Psoriasis, Purulent And Persistent Infections, Non-healing Ulcers
Safety Information
Store in a cool and dry place, protect from direct sun light.