Kerala Ayurveda’s Kutajarishta is a product used in the Ayurvedic treatment of upset stomach. The medicine is anti-dysenteric and helpful in loose motion treatment.
Kutajarishta syrup also helps to improve digestion. This ayurvedic medicine for loose motion helps treat various kinds of stomach ailments. Stomach upsets, digestive problems, piles, sprues, and intestinal parasites are problems that can be treated using this medicine. It is astringent and helps in improving wellness naturally.
- Kutajarishta for Diarrhoea : Kutajarishta uses are numerous. Kutajarishta is very beneficial against all types of Diarrhoea and is used in loose motion treatment. It also resolves stomach-related issues and intestinal parasites.
- Kutajarishta for IBS : The antidiarrheal, immunostimulatory and anti-motility nature of Kutajarishta syrup is utilised in the IBS treatment. Kutajarishta is used in managing IBS also owing to its Grahi ( absorbing) property and Kashaya (astringent) nature.
- Kutajarishta for Dysentery : Kutajarishta helps to reduce fluid loss in Dysentery by its Grahi ( absorbing) quality. This quality also helps with controlling blood loss through stool in Dysentery.
- Kutajarishta for pain : Kutajarishta is also used for easing pain and inflammation. It is found effective in conditions like Sciatica, lumbago and Arthritis.
- This medicine strengthens digestive power.
- It treats loose motion and bloody dysentery.
- Kutaja
- Guda
- Dhataki
- Draksha
- Madhuka
- Gambhari