Rs. 7,800.00 Rs. 6,860.00
S.No. Products Quantity
1 Neem Capsules 2 Bottles (120 Capsules)
2 Kanchnaar Guggul 1 Bottle (120 Tablets)
3 Curcumin Capsules 1 Bottle (60 Capsules)
4 Pitta Balance 1 Bottle (60 Capsules)
5 Navkarshik Churna 1 Jar (200 gm)
6 Telo-Extension 1 Bottle (60 Capsules)
World Wide
No Side
Formulated by
MD-Ayurveda Experts


  • The products are totally herbal
  • Give fantastic results various conditions
  • Supports body detoxification
  • Manufactured under the guidance of MD Ayurveda experts
  • They have no side effects
  • Detox the entire circulatory system
  • Pacifies aggravated dosha
  • Open blocked and clogged channels

Pack Description

PCV stands for Polycythemia Vera which is the type of blood cancer. In this condition the bone marrow of the body makes too many red blood cells. The excess of Red blood cells thickens your blood and slows down its flow through blood vessels. This results in many serious types of problems which include formation of blood clots. Modern science explains that the conditions like polycythemia vera do not have any treatment but the severity of the condition can be reduced by various means. But the Ayurvedic science explains that even conditions like PCV can be managed very well using herbal supplements. Such herbal supplements are mentioned below with their detailed description.

Products Description

1. Neem Capsules

Neem capsules are manufactured from the standardised extract of neem and give really great results in many of the conditions. Neem has been known as a natural disinfectant since ages and is also a very well known rakta shodhak. Most of the time leaves and seeds of neem are used for the preparation of capsules. The capsules help in complete shodhana of the body by clearing out the circulation. It also has oxidative stress and supports the health of the vital organs of the body. Neem due to its astringent properties also help in kapha and pitta dosha pacification. The imbalance of these two dosha is also responsible for this condition.

2. Kanchnaar Guggul

Kanchnaar Guggul is a classic mentioned formulation that has gained its popularity due to its kapha dosha pacification effect. The formulation has two ingredients which are kanchanar and guggul. The kanchnar is known for its kapha dosha pacification property and hence gives very great results in subsiding any vriddhi in the body. In this case the kanchnar guggul works by its kapha pacification property and also by the healing effect of guggul. Guggul also helps in supporting the normal consistency of the blood. The formulation has a great effect opening the blocked channels inside of the body due to guggul as one of its ingredients.

3. Curcumin Capsules

Curcumin Capsules are the patent product of Planet Ayurveda. These capsules have standardised extract of haridra (Curcuma longa). Curcumin is a chemical constituent of the haridra which is known for its fantastic properties. The haridra or halsi which is just a normal kitchen spice now has gained importance because of fantastic effects in managing many conditions and supporting various systems of the body. In PCV it also works by pacification of doshas present and helps in opening the blocked channels of the body as well. It also has a detoxification effect and helps in eradicating agantuk niddan. PCV results in low immunity but with curcumin the immune system feels supportive always.

4. Pitta Balance

Pitta Balance is a very great formulation for the pacification of pitta dosha in the body. Polycythemia is a condition arising due to disturbance in the metabolic functioning and metabolic functioning is disturbed when there is excess of pitta dosha in the body. Due to amam accumulation srotas are blocked thus pitta dosha is also aggravated and results in various metabolic dysfunction. But with pitta balance the imbalance of pitta can be successfully managed. The ingredients of the pitta balance are Akik pishti, Mukta pishti (paste of pearl), shankh bhasma (calx of conch) and others. Once the pitta dosha is blanched in the body the normal metabolic functions might turn to their actual state. In addition the formulation has giloy as well which helps in balancing the immunity as well.

5. Navkarshik Churna

Navkarshik Churna is a preparation that helps in shodhan of the body. The formulation has ingredients like haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Vacha (Acorus calamus), amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Neem (Azadirachta indica), Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia) and many others which help in rakta shodhan as well. The navkarshik churna is best for pacification of vata dosha as well because of its potent ingredients like harad and amalaki. All of the ingredients of this formulation works efficiently. Moreover, navkarshik churna also helps in maintaining the strength and immunity of the body.

6. Telo-Extension

Telo-Extension is a Planet Ayurveda's patent product which is prepared using seven different herbs like ashwagandha, grape seed, amla, moringa, pine bark, giloy and many others. The formulation has its impact in pacification of vata dosha which is the reason for faster degradation at the cellular levels. The formulation helps in supporting the immune system thus making the body capable of fighting whatever wrong is going on inside it. Giloy, which is one another ingredient of this formulation belongs to vyasthapak gana and is termed as amrit for human life. The product helps in balancing all the three energies of the body and hence stabilises the entire system.


  1. Neem Capsules - 2 capsules twice daily with warm water.
  2. Kanchnaar Guggul - 2 tablets twice daily with warm water.
  3. Curcumin Capsules - 1 capsule twice daily with warm water.
  4. Pitta Balance - 1 capsule twice daily with warm water.
  5. Navkarshik Churna - 1/2 teaspoonful twice daily with warm water.
  6. Telo-Extension - 1 capsule twice daily with warm water.

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